“Dockyard brat” - if there ever was one, Ruby is! She has spent her entire life living and working in various outer rim spaceports & dockyards across several
star systems. She is true self-learned meachanic, first working and learning side by side with her father. After her father died accidentally when
she was only 16 she just kept on going on her own. What she doesn’t know about repairs and dealing with shady spaceport characters isn’t worth knowing!
In addition to fixing and upgrading Ms Piggy, Ruby acts also as a Cargo Master, being responsible for the cargo they haul. She is also the First
Officer (XO) of the ship, acting as a Captain of the ship if Sol is away or otherwise “reserved”... or “intoxicated” as it may be.
Ruby can be quite temperamental at times, and she has absolutely zero tolerance for people who cannot do their jobs. She can also easily outdrink and outfight
most men - “tough chick”, and not always, if ever, acting classy or subtle...To the crew she is Ruby or "Red", she got that nickname because she’s always
wearing something red - hair, lipstick or clothes, often all of them!
She loves the ship, she is is her baby, even if Ms Piggy is barely holding together after all the rough trips they have done together. You might hear her cursing that
“piece of shit”, but that’s just more like motherly love, really. And speaking of love - men, they are not her thing at all...
She is reluctant to talk much about her childhood back in the Asteroid Belt. There's no special reasons for that, but Ruby is not a person who needs to tell her
life story to everyone. What is clear, is that it wasn’t easy. Life in the outer rims never is, and even less with a family to support you.
LIFE GOALS Fuck this shit! How can I keep this piece of junk flying with these crappy tools? You tell me that.
She’s a traveller, restless soul, always switching jobs when life seems to settle down too much... but so far the life abroad the Ms Piggy has been enough "eventful". She’s been with Sol now quite a long time, being the second oldest crew member in service time after Elektra.