There are numerous trading services available for anyone with cargo delivery needs. Galactic Trading Net (GTN) is the most popular choice for cargo brokers and Captains who wish
to fill the ship’s cargo hold with minimal effort and maximum legality. Then there are people who need something else for their transport needs... maybe the cargo is not-so-legal,
or the destination is a war zone... or you just need the cargo delivered “in cognito, no papertrail, no questions asked” kind of style. For this you need a special kind of
matchmaker, someone who can find the right Captain for the job, or sometimes vice versa.
If you’re one of those “special needs“ people, who you gonna call? Domino, of course. Domino’s father was a legendary fixer called “Papa”. He could find you that perfect cargo,
or cargo captain, everytime. His daughter Domino was raised literally sitting in the corner of trade negotiations with her father, that cute little blond girl who just sat
there silently and listened... fast forward, one day “Papa” got killed - he was found clenching a button with a peculiar symbol on it, but the killer was never found. There are
rumours of course...
LIKE FATHER, LIKE DAUGHTER I got better Captain's for this job than you Sol, at least on paper... bigger ships, better weapons. You're the underdog, but one with amazing luck and capability to pull through against all odds... so that's why I'm offering this job to you... interested?
After his father was murdered, Domino took over his father's business... being a woman, it wasn't easy at all and really took some effort, and a lot of successful deals. Today, “Domino” is a name almost equal to her legendary father, no one thinks she's was just a cute little girl... instead she is a highly respected trader, and purely on her own merits. Tough professional with a razor sharp mind, and trading deals that have become legends on their own. She has spent her whole life living in The Hub, never leaving it. She knows every inch of the Hub, and also everyone who's staying there, or just passing through.
Because of what happened to her father, she will do business only 1n public places, utilizing her cybernetic arm and eye implants as a built-in mobile computer. She stores all her deals encrypted in that cybernetic arm, and she has a legion of invisible bodyguards making sure she’s truly safe. Safety is her obsession, and she is building for herself a very modern apartment inside the Hub, called “Solitude”. A true fortress with hi-tech security systems to match!